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ICASSP 2025 offers several ways for authors to present their latest research:
- **Submit a conference paper
**Authors are invited to submit papers that are up to 4 pages for technical content including figures and references, and one optional 5th page containing only references. To maximize visibility and impact, all accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore digital library and will be freely accessible and downloadable by all, in final format, beginning one month prior to the conference and through the conference end date (Open Preview). - ****Submit an open access journal paper in the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJ-SP):****Authors have the option to submit their paper for publication in the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJ-SP), the completely open access journal of the SPS, instead of in the conference proceedings. Papers submitted to OJ-SP that are designated as being intended for presentation at the conference will receive expedited review to ensure that a decision is available in time for inclusion in the conference program. All such submissions are subject to a pre-registration deadline of September 5, 2024, by which time manuscript title, abstract, authors, EDICS, and keywords must have been entered into the OJSP registration form. The manuscript document itself need not be uploaded by this deadline, and *minor* changes to the abstract, title, etc. are allowed up until the final deadline. The deadline for final submission of the manuscript is one week after the conference deadline (i.e. September 16, 2024). Open access is provided through the payment of an article processing charge (APC), paid after acceptance. To present an accepted paper at ICASSP 2025, the accepted paper must be covered by a full author registration fee.
To register for the OJ-SP ICASSP 2025 peer review track, please click here.
Submit an open access journal paper in the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJ-SP)
- **SP Society Journal Paper Presentations:**Authors of papers published or accepted in IEEE SPS journals may present their work at ICASSP 2025 in appropriate tracks. These papers will not be re- reviewed or included in the proceedings. In addition, the IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing (OJSP) will provide a special track for longer submissions with the same processing timeline as ICASSP. Accepted papers will be published in OJSP and presented at the conference but will not be included in the conference proceedings.
Present an accepted SPS journal paper
Authors of Signal Processing Society journal papers published online or in print on or after December 01, 2023 including papers that have been accepted but not yet published may submit an SPS Journal Paper Presentation Request to present the paper at the conference. Authors of papers that fit within the scope of the conference will receive an acceptance letter, and upon registration will receive an invoice and invitation letter to apply for internal funding and/or travel visa to attend and present the paper. Where possible, journal papers presented at the conference will be included in the conference proceedings provided to conference attendees, by downloading the original paper from IEEE Xplore® to include on conference proceedings for attendees. Journal papers will not be included in the conference proceedings published in IEEE Xplore.
Eligibility requirements are outlined below:
- Paper must have been published or accepted for publication in an SPS journal between December 1, 2023 and December 11, 2024.
- Paper topic should be aligned with the conference’s technical program, and authors should select relevant EDICS from the conference’s list.
- Authors of accepted journal papers must meet the same registration requirements as all authors, including the total number of papers that can be covered by a single registration.