Title: Scaling Transformers for Low-Bitrate High-Quality Speech Coding
Authors: Julian D Parker, Anton Smirnov, Jordi Pons, CJ Carr, Zack Zukowski, Zach Evans, Xubo Liu
Published: 29th November 2024 (Friday) @ 16:58:02
Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/2411.19842v1
The tokenization of speech with neural audio codec models is a vital part of modern AI pipelines for the generation or understanding of speech, alone or in a multimodal context. Traditionally such tokenization models have concentrated on low parameter-count architectures using only components with strong inductive biases. In this work we show that by scaling a transformer architecture with large parameter count to this problem, and applying a flexible Finite Scalar Quantization (FSQ) based bottleneck, it is possible to reach state-of-the-art speech quality at extremely low bit-rates of or bits-per-second. The trained models strongly out-perform existing baselines in both objective and subjective tests.