Title: The Winograd schema challenge
Authors: Hector J. Levesque, Ernest Davis, Leora Morgenstern
Published: 2012-06-10
Link: https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.5555/3031843.3031909


In this paper, we present an alternative to the Turing Test that has some conceptual and practical advantages. A Wino-grad schema is a pair of sentences that differ only in one or two words and that contain a referential ambiguity that is resolved in opposite directions in the two sentences. We have compiled a collection of Winograd schemas, designed so that the correct answer is obvious to the human reader, but cannot easily be found using selectional restrictions or statistical techniques over text corpora. A contestant in the Winograd Schema Challenge is presented with a collection of one sentence from each pair, and required to achieve human-level accuracy in choosing the correct disambiguation.