Title: P-Flow: A Fast and Data-Efficient Zero-Shot TTS through Speech Prompting
Authors: Sungwon Kim, Kevin Shih, rohan badlani, Joao Felipe Santos, Evelina Bakhturina, Mikyas Desta, Rafael Valle, Sungroh Yoon, Bryan Catanzaro
Published: 2023-10-24
Link: https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper_files/paper/2023/hash/eb0965da1d2cb3fbbbb8dbbad5fa0bfc-Abstract-Conference.html
While recent large-scale neural codec language models have shown significant improvement in zero-shot TTS by training on thousands of hours of data, they suffer from drawbacks such as a lack of robustness, slow sampling speed similar to previous autoregressive TTS methods, and reliance on pre-trained neural codec representations. Our work proposes P-Flow, a fast and data-efficient zero-shot TTS model that uses speech prompts for speaker adaptation. P-Flow comprises a speech-prompted text encoder for speaker adaptation and a flow matching generative decoder for high-quality and fast speech synthesis. Our speech-prompted text encoder uses speech prompts and text input to generate speaker-conditional text representation. The flow matching generative decoder uses the speaker-conditional output to synthesize high-quality personalized speech significantly faster than in real-time. Unlike the neural codec language models, we specifically train P-Flow on LibriTTS dataset using a continuous mel-representation. Through our training method using continuous speech prompts, P-Flow matches the speaker similarity performance of the large-scale zero-shot TTS models with two orders of magnitude less training data and has more than 20ĂĂÂ faster sampling speed. Our results show that P-Flow has better pronunciation and is preferred in human likeness and speaker similarity to its recent state-of-the-art counterparts, thus defining P-Flow as an attractive and desirable alternative. We provide audio samples on our demo page: https://research.nvidia.com/labs/adlr/projects/pflow
Demo page: https://research.nvidia.com/labs/adlr/projects/pflow/