Title: Hyperbolic Neural Networks
Authors: Octavian-Eugen Ganea, Gary Bécigneul, Thomas Hofmann
Published: 23rd May 2018 (Wednesday) @ 13:08:07
Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/1805.09112v2


Hyperbolic spaces have recently gained momentum in the context of machine learning due to their high capacity and tree-likeliness properties. However, the representational power of hyperbolic geometry is not yet on par with Euclidean geometry, mostly because of the absence of corresponding hyperbolic neural network layers. This makes it hard to use hyperbolic embeddings in downstream tasks. Here, we bridge this gap in a principled manner by combining the formalism of M”obius gyrovector spaces with the Riemannian geometry of the Poincar’e model of hyperbolic spaces. As a result, we derive hyperbolic versions of important deep learning tools: multinomial logistic regression, feed-forward and recurrent neural networks such as gated recurrent units. This allows to embed sequential data and perform classification in the hyperbolic space. Empirically, we show that, even if hyperbolic optimization tools are limited, hyperbolic sentence embeddings either outperform or are on par with their Euclidean variants on textual entailment and noisy-prefix recognition tasks.