Office: UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence
90 High Holborn
University College London

Professor and Turing Fellow
Department of Computer Science
University College London
Amazon Scholar

I am a Professor and an EPSRC Fellow at University College London, Department of Computer Science. I am also a faculty fellow at the Alan Turing Institute and an ELLIS fellow. At UCL I am one of the faculty members affiliated with the UCL Centre for Artificial Intelligence, where I lead the Web Intelligence Group.I also work as an Amazon Scholar for Amazon, where I work with the Alexa Shopping team and am a co-founder of Humanloop, a UCL spinout company. 

My research interests lie in the fields of information retrieval and natural language processing. My research in these areas is mainly guided by principles from machine learning, statistics and information theory. I have authored more than 150 papers in these areas (> 6,250 citations, H-index = 39). I have received several awards for my research, including the Karen Sparck Jones Award, a Google Faculty Research Award and a Bloomberg Data Science Research Award. My research has been funded by several funding bodies including EU Horizon 2020, EPSRC, Alan Turing Institute, Google and Bloomberg and Elsevier. 

I have served in various senior roles, including co-editor-in-chief for the Information Retrieval Journal, a member of the editorial board for the AI Journal and an elected member of the executive committee for ACM SIGIR. I currently serve as an Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Information Systems and am a member of the Steering Committee for ACM SIGIR Asia-Pacific. I have served in various roles including PC Chair for ACM SIGIR 2024 Perspectives Track, ACM SIGIR 2023 Industry Track (SIRIP), ACM CIKM 2022 Applied Track, ECIR 2020, ACM SIGIR 2018 and ACM ICTIR 2017 Conferences, Panels Chair for The Web Conference (WWW) 2021, Practice and Experience Chair for ACM WSDM 2017, and as the Doctoral Consortium Chair for ECIR 2017. 

Since 2019 I have been a co-organising the TREC Deep Learning Track, funded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Between 2015-2017 I co-organised the TREC Tasks Track.

Please refer to my scholar page or DBLP for a list of publications.