Title: The AMI Meeting Corpus
Authors: I. McCowan, J. Carletta, W. Kraaij, S. Ashby, S. Bourban, M. Flynn, M. Guillemot, T. Hain, J. Kadlec, V. Karaiskos, M. Kronenthal, G. Lathoud, M. Lincoln, A. Lisowska, W. Post, D. Reidsma, and P. Wellner
Published: 2005-01-01
Link: https://liacs.leidenuniv.nl/~kraaijw/papers/mccowan-ami-mb2005.pdf
To support multi-disciplinary research in the AMI (Augmented Multi-party Interaction) project, a 100 hour corpus of meetings is being collected. This corpus is being recorded in several instrumented rooms equipped with a variety of microphones, video cameras, electronic pens, presentation slide capture and white-board capture devices. As well as real meetings, the corpus contains a significant proportion of scenario-driven meetings, which have been designed to elicit a rich range of realistic behaviors. To facilitate research, the raw data are being annotated at a number of levels including speech transcriptions, dialogue acts and summaries. The corpus is being distributed using a web server designed to allow convenient browsing and download of multimedia content and associated annotations. This article first overviews AMI research themes, then discusses corpus design, as well as data collection, annotation and distribution.
AMI Meeting Corpus Overview: https://groups.inf.ed.ac.uk/ami/corpus/overview.shtml
AMI stands for Augmented Multi-party Interaction