Title: Efficient Parallel Audio Generation using Group Masked Language Modeling
Authors: Myeonghun Jeong, Minchan Kim, Joun Yeop Lee, Nam Soo Kim
Published: 2nd January 2024 (Tuesday) @ 08:42:48
Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.01099v1
We present a fast and high-quality codec language model for parallel audio generation. While SoundStorm, a state-of-the-art parallel audio generation model, accelerates inference speed compared to autoregressive models, it still suffers from slow inference due to iterative sampling. To resolve this problem, we propose Group-Masked Language Modeling~(G-MLM) and Group Iterative Parallel Decoding~(G-IPD) for efficient parallel audio generation. Both the training and sampling schemes enable the model to synthesize high-quality audio with a small number of iterations by effectively modeling the group-wise conditional dependencies. In addition, our model employs a cross-attention-based architecture to capture the speaker style of the prompt voice and improves computational efficiency. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms the baselines in prompt-based audio generation.