Title: MAVD: The First Open Large-Scale Mandarin Audio-Visual Dataset with Depth Information
Authors: Jianrong Wang, Yuchen Huo, Li Liu, Tianyi Xu, Qi Li, Sen Li
Published: 4th June 2023 (Sunday) @ 05:00:12
Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/2306.02263v1


Audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) gains increasing attention from researchers as an important part of human-computer interaction. However, the existing available Mandarin audio-visual datasets are limited and lack the depth information. To address this issue, this work establishes the MAVD, a new large-scale Mandarin multimodal corpus comprising 12,484 utterances spoken by 64 native Chinese speakers. To ensure the dataset covers diverse real-world scenarios, a pipeline for cleaning and filtering the raw text material has been developed to create a well-balanced reading material. In particular, the latest data acquisition device of Microsoft, Azure Kinect is used to capture depth information in addition to the traditional audio signals and RGB images during data acquisition. We also provide a baseline experiment, which could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the dataset. The dataset and code will be released at https://github.com/SpringHuo/MAVD.