Subword Modeling
The goal of this course is to lead students to engage broadly with the existing NLP and computational linguistics research on subword modeling and develop new computational approaches to problems in morphology, orthography, and phonology. In addition to three other miniprojects, students will be expected to produce one piece of research that can be developed into a conference or workshop paper (though submission is not a course requirement). The paper should be suitable for the âPhonology, Morphology, and Word Segmentationâ tracks of the *ACL conferences, the SIGMORPHON workshop, Coling, or LREC.
For a complete overview, see the syllabus.
Semester: Spring 2025
Location: DH A302
Day/Time: Tue and Thurs, 11:00 am â 12:20 pm
Course Schedule Top
In-Class Exercises Top
- Totonac Word-and-Paradigm Excercise with unpublished data from Jonathan Amith and Osbel Lopez. (For any use outside of this course, they should be attributed.)
Instructors Top
Instructor: Prof. David R. Mortensen
- Office Location: GHC 5407
- Office Hours: Tue 1:00â2:00pm, Wed 10:00â11:00am (Appointments always welcome)
- Email:
- Twitter: dmort27
Teaching Assistant: Rithvik Senthil
- Office Hours Location: TBA
- Office Hours: TBA
- Email:
Course Objectives Top
At the end of this course, students will:
- Express a sophisticated understanding of the fundamentals of morphology, phonetics, writing systems, and phonology
- Understand current papers in computational phonology, morphology, and orthography
- Implement current subword models of language and carry out publication-quality experiments in this area
- Write publication-quality papers reporting computational research in computational linguistics
Course Principles and Classroom guidelines
This course will be based around discussion of readings, guided by handouts. There will be no slides and no recordings of lectures. There are three groundrules:
- All class members are expected to have read readings prior to the beginning of the lecture. In many cases, readings will be divided among class members. This will be made clear during previous class meetings.
- All class members have a way of taking notes on handouts (e.g., a tablet + stylus or a printed copy and a pencil/pen). Handouts will be provided at least 24 hours in advance of class. If there is enough demand, the instructor can print copies of the handout for student use.
- All class members will treat other members of the class with dignity and respect.
Prerequisites Top
The course is open to graduate students and advanced undergraduates who have completed:
- One prior course in NLP
- One prior course in ML (preferred, but not required)
Grading Top
Grades will be based on three components:
- Highlights from each lecture (10 points)
- Projects (60 points)
- Final presentation and paper (30 points)
Required Texts Top
There are two required textbooks (in additional to many freely available readings):
- Haspelmath, M., & Sims, A. (2013). Understanding morphology. Routledge.
- Matthews, P. H. (1991). Morphology. Cambridge University Press.
Resources/Support/How to Succeed in This Course Top
Office Hours
Scheduled for 2 hours weekly. One-on-one meetings with the instructor can always be scheduled using Calendly.
Office of Disability and Access Services
Many people have disabilities, including members of our own families. We see disabilities as deficits not in disabled people but in the institutions and societies that are structured such that they are disadvantaged. We wish to do our part to overcome this disparate treatment. If you have a disability (visible or invisible), please let us know as soon as possible (you donât need to tell us the nature of the disability) and work with Disability Service to develop a set of accommodations which we can then approve. These might, for example, include lecture materials that are usable by people with visual disabilities, sign language interpretation, captioning, flexible due dates, etc.
Support from the Instructor
Finally, if you tell me that you are having trouble, I will not judge you or think less of you. You do not owe me an explanation of your health (physical or mental) or the health of your loved ones; but you are welcome to tell me and I will listen. Even if I canât help you directly, it is likely that I know someone who can. If you need help or more information, please ask, and I will work with you.
Class and University Policies Top
Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-racism
Throughout human history, some people have been denied the rights and opportunities available to others on the basis of their race, gender, economic class, caste, ancestry, language community, age, religion, beliefs, political affiliation, and abilities (visible and invisible). A single course cannot undo the injustices of history, but weâas a teaching staffâare committed to fighting inequity and promoting inclusion. We encourage you to join us. If you feel that you, or those around you, have been treated unfairly based upon their identity (or perceived identity) by us, by other members of the teaching staff, or by other students in the course, we ask that you bring it to our attention so that we can address the wrongs (as well as pursing the approved University channels).
Policy on Religious Observances
Due dates can be revised for documented religious observances. Please make sure to communicate about religious observances as far in advance as possible (and no later than one week before the observance, per university policy) so that accommodations can be made.
Assignment Completion & Late Work
This course works best when everybody completes their work by the designated deadlines. This prevents cascading tardiness from overwhelming both students and teaching staff. However, sometimes there are situations that call for extensions. Some examples (real examples) include the following:
- The death of friend or family member
- A wedding in the family
- A serious accident
- A surgery
- A significant illness
- A mental health crisis or episode
- An important religious or national holiday
We care about you and your well being more than we care about deadlines and if something difficult is happening in your life which is making it hard for you to complete an assignment on time please contact me so we can talk. I have found that, often, the students who most need some leeway are those least likely to ask for it. When in doubt, ask. We will work out a plan so you can complete the requirements of the course with your physical and psychological health intact. Do not feel ashamed to reach out to me. I am eager to see you succeed.
Academic Integrity
Any cheating or plagiarism will be dealt with according to the University policies on academic integrity. In general, discussion of tools, concepts, and formalisms is acceptable collaboration and is encouraged. Misrepresenting the work of others as your own, however, is considered cheating.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License