Title: Cem Mil Podcasts: A Spoken Portuguese Document Corpus For Multi-modal, Multi-lingual and Multi-Dialect Information Access Research
Authors: Ekaterina Garmash, Edgar Tanaka, Ann Clifton, Joana Correia, Sharmistha Jat, Winstead Zhu, Rosie Jones, Jussi Karlgren
Published: 23rd September 2022 (Friday) @ 21:41:10
Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11871v2
In this paper we describe the Portuguese-language podcast dataset we have released for academic research purposes. We give an overview of how the data was sampled, descriptive statistics over the collection, as well as information about the distribution over Brazilian and Portuguese dialects. We give results from experiments on multi-lingual summarization, showing that summarizing podcast transcripts can be performed well by a system supporting both English and Portuguese. We also show experiments on Portuguese podcast genre classification using text metadata. Combining this collection with previously released English-language collection opens up the potential for multi-modal, multi-lingual and multi-dialect podcast information access research.