Title: Sparse and Structured Hopfield Networks
Authors: Saul Santos, Vlad Niculae, Daniel McNamee, Andre F. T. Martins
Published: 21st February 2024 (Wednesday) @ 11:35:45
Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/2402.13725v2


Modern Hopfield networks have enjoyed recent interest due to their connection to attention in transformers. Our paper provides a unified framework for sparse Hopfield networks by establishing a link with Fenchel-Young losses. The result is a new family of Hopfield-Fenchel-Young energies whose update rules are end-to-end differentiable sparse transformations. We reveal a connection between loss margins, sparsity, and exact memory retrieval. We further extend this framework to structured Hopfield networks via the SparseMAP transformation, which can retrieve pattern associations instead of a single pattern. Experiments on multiple instance learning and text rationalization demonstrate the usefulness of our approach.