Starting Small - Prototype this on macOS

Set up the actions you would want a home server (e.g. NAS) to perform on your macOS system. Specifically:

  1. Set up a crontab entry for pushing of the Garden every hour
  2. Reporting and logging of usage statistics?
    • sentry? IIRC this was the Python observability package that W&B depends on and uses for CPU/GPU utilisation under the hood
      • thanks Michael ;)
    • where can these be logged to?

Key differences against NAS:

  • won’t be always up - regular actions will only be performed when the computer is booted and “awake”
  • maybe some minor differences in macOS vs Bash/Linux environment
    • e.g. macOS doesn’t seem to have the --group-directories first option which I have in my LInux-specific bash aliases (but not in the paralle macOS alias)

Next Steps

  • 🫐 Buy a Raspberry Pi and try using this as a home server?
  • 💻 Could try to use your old Asus computer!

There’s no raspberry emoji 💔