Title: ML-SUPERB 2.0: Benchmarking Multilingual Speech Models Across Modeling Constraints, Languages, and Datasets
Authors: Jiatong Shi, Shih-Heng Wang, William Chen, Martijn Bartelds, Vanya Bannihatti Kumar, Jinchuan Tian, Xuankai Chang, Dan Jurafsky, Karen Livescu, Hung-yi Lee, Shinji Watanabe
Published: 12th June 2024 (Wednesday) @ 21:01:26
Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/2406.08641v1


ML-SUPERB evaluates self-supervised learning (SSL) models on the tasks of language identification and automatic speech recognition (ASR). This benchmark treats the models as feature extractors and uses a single shallow downstream model, which can be fine-tuned for a downstream task. However, real-world use cases may require different configurations. This paper presents ML-SUPERB~2.0, which is a new benchmark for evaluating pre-trained SSL and supervised speech models across downstream models, fine-tuning setups, and efficient model adaptation approaches. We find performance improvements over the setup of ML-SUPERB. However, performance depends on the downstream model design. Also, we find large performance differences between languages and datasets, suggesting the need for more targeted approaches to improve multilingual ASR performance.