Title: Weighted Voronoi Stippling
Authors: Adrian Secord
Published: 2002-01-01
Link: https://www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/imager/tr/2002/secord2002b/secord.2002b.pdf


The traditional artistic technique of stippling places small dots of ink onto paper such that their density give the impression of tone. The artist tightly controls the relative placement of the stipples on the paper to produce even tones and avoid artifacts, leading to long creation times for the drawings.

We present two non-interactive techniques for generating stipple drawings from grayscale images using weighted centroidal Voronoi diagrams. An iterative technique acts on input images directly to produce high-quality stipple drawings and a real-time approach uses precomputed dot distributions to stipple images quickly.

Used to make Voronoi stipple drawings in D3 by Mike Bostock.

Explained briefly by Muhammad Firmansyah Kasim in Stippling pictures with Lloyd’s algorithm