Title: Deep Mask Memory Network with Semantic Dependency and Context Moment for Aspect Level Sentiment Classification
Authors: Peiqin Lin, Meng Yang, Jianhuang Lai
Published: 2019-08-10
Link: https://www.ijcai.org/Proceedings/2019/0707.pdf


Aspect level sentiment classification aims at identifying the sentiment of each aspect term in a sentence. Deep memory networks often use location information between context word and aspect to generate the memory. Although improved results are achieved, the relation information among aspects in the same sentence is ignored and the word location can’t bring enough and accurate information for the analysis on the aspect sentiment. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for aspect level sentiment classification, deep mask memory network with semantic dependency and context moment (DMMN-SDCM), which integrates semantic parsing information of the aspect and the inter-aspect relation information into deep memory network. With the designed attention mechanism based on semantic dependency information, different parts of the context memory in different computational layers are selected and useful inter-aspect information in the same sentence is exploited for the desired aspect. To make full use of the interaspect relation information, we also jointly learn a context moment learning task, which aims to learn the sentiment distribution of the entire sentence for providing a background for the desired aspect. We examined the merit of our model on SemEval 2014 Datasets, and the experimental results show that our model achieves a state-of-the-art performance.