Stephen Roberts’ Home Page
Stephen’s main area of research lies in the theory and application of machine learning for data analysis, especially sequential data and dynamical systems. He has particular interest in the development of machine learning theory to help create robust, reliable and uncertainty-aware solutions for real-world applications. Current research develops theory and methodology for application across diverse problem domains including astrophysics, environment and ecology, finance and data-centric engineering. He leads the Machine Learning Research Group, is a Professorial Fellow of Somerville College, founding Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous, Intelligent Machines and Systems (AIMS), Director of the Oxford ELLIS unit and was Director of the Oxford-Man Institute from 2015-2021. Stephen is Co-Founder and Scientific Advisor of Mind Foundry, PI of Oxford’s Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship programme and co-I of the Intelligent Earth Centre for Doctoral Training.
Stephen’s main area of research lies in the theory and application of machine learning for data analysis, especially sequential data and dynamical systems. He has particular interest in the development of machine learning theory to help create robust, reliable and uncertainty-aware solutions for real-world applications. Current research develops theory and methodology for application across diverse problem domains including astrophysics, environment and ecology, finance and data-centric engineering. He leads the Machine Learning Research Group, is a Professorial Fellow of Somerville College, founding Director of the EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Autonomous, Intelligent Machines and Systems (AIMS), Director of the Oxford ELLIS unit and was Director of the Oxford-Man Institute from 2015-2021. Stephen is Co-Founder and Scientific Advisor of Mind Foundry, PI of Oxford’s Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowship programme and co-I of the Intelligent Earth Centre for Doctoral Training.