I’ve been looking at Notion databases as a way to keep tasks in a table with different columns each with their own attributes. It works very well for that, but there are times where I have poor or no internet and Notion severely lacks offline support. I want the database functionality offline, on both desktop and Android and iOS with syncing, ideally with file storage too. A solution with or without Obsidian. If it was stored in files then I could just put it on iCloud and or use Syncthing. I looked at plugins like Dataloom and DB folder but they don’t have anywhere close to all of Notion’s db features.
Same thing with Dataview, but it comes the closest to it. I can make a query and show a table with all the note properties, but I can’t check them off or edit the properties in the table. What could be a good compromise is to click on the links to the pages and edit their properties, but clicking links in dataview doesn’t open them in a new tab, so I’d have to keep going back and waiting for the query to load, over and over again if I want to edit at least a few pages’ properties.
KalenXI • 5 points • 2023-09-20
I haven’t tried this myself, but maybe this plugin would get close to what you’re looking for? https://github.com/tomaszkiewicz/obsidian-database-plugin
Sinled • 5 points • 2023-09-20
If the problem is clicking links - you can try https://mdelobelle.github.io/metadatamenu/ combined with dataview
you will need describe fields and their types first, but after that you will be able to change props without opening links
Individual_Change365 • 2 points • 2023-09-20
You can try with the Projects Plugin
To be honest there is nothing to the level of Notions Databases in Obsidian at the moment.
Datacore might be the closest we get or the Core Plugin Databases.
JacobOHansen • 2 points • 2023-09-20
I like make.md for this, it creates very notion-like tables of files in folders.
Repulsive_Diamond373 • 1 points • 2023-10-13
This is a good way to go. Other plugins can also help with databases.
When I need databases, I don’t rely on an app. Same thing for spreadsheets and word processors. For me, Notion is just a notes app that I would be using far more if it were offline.
pulchraes • 1 points • 2024-09-02
Noob question: what else do you use for a database then?
AddiesSausagePeppers • 2 points • 2023-09-25
mydjtl • 2 points • 2023-10-07
Feature comparison of Obsidian database plugins
TheTwelveYearOld • 1 points • 2023-10-07
I’ve decided on and spent a lot of time on dataview with Metadata Menu for this, I have it on that list to eventually make a post about it.
DonDinardoni • 2 points • 2023-09-20
You might be looking for this: https://youtu.be/ibarYqG4W5I (DB Folder Plugin)
TheTwelveYearOld • 6 points • 2023-09-20
I looked at plugins like Dataloom and DB folder but they don’t have anywhere close to all of Notion’s db features.
DonDinardoni • 2 points • 2023-09-20
I see. Then I don’t have a solution at hand - sorry.
Perhaps provide this info in the initial post for others who want to help?
TheTwelveYearOld • 6 points • 2023-09-20
That’s a quote from my initial post, with no edits.
DonDinardoni • 5 points • 2023-09-21
you are absolutely right. idk why, but I only saw the title…
My apologies, OP.
RetiredOrUnemployed • 1 points • 2024-06-03
Did you find anything yet?
tokemura • -3 points • 2023-09-20
Why? If you need Notion - use Notion.
polymerely • 13 points • 2023-09-20
I’m not OP, but I would say that while Notion is great in many ways, it is so slow I found it unusable.
And I really didn’t like the need to place every new note/page within the hierarchy.
sirchandwich • 5 points • 2023-09-21
I don’t think you should be getting downvoted. Ultimately you shouldn’t force yourself to use a note taking app that doesn’t support your workflow.
If Notion has the features you want, it only makes sense to use it.
Obsidian is better…. But you shouldn’t use it if it doesn’t do what you need it to do.
Hana_Natt • 2 points • 2023-09-21
Caus someone i invited to my notion was able to delete all of my private stuff and my account is gone :))
TheTwelveYearOld • 6 points • 2023-09-20
Read the post, the lack of offline support is a big turn off.
Repulsive_Diamond373 • 2 points • 2023-10-13
This is why I have largely left Notion. I still keep some stuff there, but as I need something, I move it out.
For me, I absolutely need offline access.
TheTwelveYearOld • 2 points • 2023-10-13
Good thing I finally made a pretty good Notion alternative for myself with Dataviewjs and metadata table since I posted this. I’ll make a post on that eventually.
tokemura • 4 points • 2023-09-20
I read the post. But I don’t have any other answer for you - use Notion. Obsidian is another app with another philosophy and use cases.
TheTwelveYearOld • 6 points • 2023-09-20
I get it, its just that the app doesn’t work at all offline, which is by far the biggest complaint and request for Notion. For me its fine if the data is stored online if it means having its database support.
-SmartOwl- • 5 points • 2023-09-20
Ignorant people, OP already said he needs offline support.
Imagine you are a sailor having most of your time living offline and people are forcing you to use Notion…