See also 👉 Linux and Unix, tmux, Vim, cron, Bash - Notes


  • Bash scripting cheatsheet - my favourite Bash cheat sheet (clean)
  • awesome-cheatsheets/blob/master/languages/ from LeCoupa
  • Explain Shell is a very handy website that gives you breakdowns of Bash commands which the manual pages rather helpfully displayed inline. The relevant help highlights when you hover over part of the command and in general, the website’s UI makes understanding shell commands much easier by making them digestible.
  • ShellCheck - ShellCheck in the browser for on-the-fly checks outside VSCode


VSCode extensions

  • shell-format - deals with shellscript, Dockerfile, properties, gitignore, dotenv, hosts, jvmoptions. Publisher: foxundermoon
  • ShellCheck - Integrates ShellCheck into VS Code, a linter for Shell scripts. Publisher: Timon Wong

Guides - oriented at learning

Advanced Resources and Troubleshooting

Bash commands / concepts I wish I understood better

  • lsof
  • correct termination of the command passed for execution using xargs or find with -exec